
Able & Talented

The term ‘Able and Talented’ is used to describe pupils who require opportunities for enrichment and extension that go beyond those provided for the general cohort of pupils.  It encompasses pupils who are more able across the curriculum as well as those who show talent in one or more specific areas. Approximately 20% of the School population may be more able (however this can vary), while 2% could be considered exceptionally able.

We recognise that our ‘Able and Talented’ pupils have individual educational needs and need to be provided with an environment that both stimulates and challenges them. At Rosh Pinah we offer our ‘Able and Talented’ children opportunities to develop, deepen and master their knowledge and skills whilst ensuring that their needs are met by:

  • Having high expectations of all children
  • Providing a stimulating and challenging learning experience through carefully differentiated planning and resources
  • Using a range of teaching approaches and maximising the wonderful resources available to the School, including out of school trips and educational visits
  • Ensuring that the children are motivated and take responsibility for their learning, asking questions, solving problems and thinking for themselves
  • Closely monitoring and tracking the progress of children
  • Offering a wide-range of enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities so that all children get the chance to experience and explore their talents
  • Discovering more about the children’s talents and interests outside of school and promoting them further.
Nursery & Reception Open Mornings – November 2024