Jill With Children In Office


The Foundation Body for Rosh Pinah is the Scopus Jewish Educational Trust, affiliated with the United Synagogue.

As set out in The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013, the functions of the Governing Body include the following core functions:

  • Ensuring that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the School are clearly defined
  • Ensuring that the Headteacher performs his or her responsibilities for the educational performance of the School
  • Ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.

The responsibility of the Governing Body is for overall policy. The day-to-day business of organising children’s learning and of managing time, space, staff and resources is for the professional team led by the Headteacher.

The full Governing Body meets termly and these meetings are clerked. There are also sub-committees which usually meet termly and they currently include:

  • Admissions
  • Education, Ethos & Welfare
  • Finance & Operations
  • Staffing, Performance & Pay
  • Strategic Planning

An individual Governor has been delegated responsibility for Special Educational Needs, welfare and safeguarding matters and small working groups of Governors have been established to oversee matters of governance, security, Jewish studies and finance.

The Governing Body may be contacted via the school office admin@rpps.org.uk or by email at governors@rpps.org.uk. The Clerk to the Governing Body is Saru Balakrishnan.

The Governing Body is comprised of 12 Members plus 3 Non-Voting Observers

7 Foundation Governors
(Appointed by Scopus)
2 Parent Governors
(Elected by Parents)
1 Staff Governor
(Elected by Staff)
1 Local Authority Governor
Dawn Frangi (Chair of Governors) Lee Benson Ruth Mellish Cllr. Sarah Wardle
Nicole Blech (Vice Chair) Daniel Nivern Headteacher
Alex Schock (Vice Chair) Jill Howson
Lee Sidney 1 Non-voting observers
Darcie Richman Rabbi David Lister (Hon Principal)
Pippa Shenkin
1 Vacant Position