Infant Boys


The Rosh Pinah School uniform is designed to be smart and practical.  Children in our Nursery are asked to wear uniform tops with comfortable tracksuit bottoms or other comfortable Nursery wear.  It is important that children from Reception to Year 6 wear correct uniform at all times and that all uniform is clearly marked with your child’s name.

Items marked with an * must be purchased from UNIFORM4KIDS. Kippot, book bags and PE bags are purchased online via School Gateway and can be collected from the School office.  All other items can be bought in supermarkets or other uniform shops.


Nursery Image

Rosh Pinah light blue Nursery t-shirt*

Rosh Pinah cardigan or sweatshirt*

Tzitzit (boys)

School kippah (boys)


Boys Reception – Year 6

Boys Uniform ImageGrey trousers/shorts

Rosh Pinah polo shirt*

Rosh Pinah sweatshirt *

Grey socks

Black shoes with low heels and with no logos (no trainers or boots)


School kippah

Rosh Pinah book bag (Reception and Key Stage 1 only)


Girls Reception – Year 6

Girls Uniform ImageRosh Pinah cardigan*

Grey pinafore dress or skirt (should be of modest length)

Grey tights

Blue and white check Summer dress (should be of modest length)

White or grey socks

Black shoes with low heels and no logos (no trainers or boots)

Rosh Pinah book bag (Reception and Key Stage 1 only)


P.E. Kit for Girls & Boys

Rosh Pinah PE bag

Rosh Pinah hooded top*

Rosh Pinah dark blue t-shirt*

Plain navy shorts

Plain black jogging bottoms

Plimsolls or non-marking trainers

How to purchase uniform from Uniform4kids

Uniform can be purchased from

Any items of school uniform that you order from Uniform4kids either online or by phone can be delivered to the School for you to collect.