Please see the results of the Rosh Pinah Primary School consultation on our admissions arrangements for 2022/23 which have been finalised and agreed by the full governing body.
The main changes to our admissions arrangements are to the Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP) form, which is used to demonstrate eligibility for a priority faith place in our school. The changes being proposed are:
- To return to accepting verified synagogue attendance as a way to gain CRP points, which was not possible for admissions cycle 2021/22 while synagogues were closed during lockdown.
- To remove the exemption that applied in admissions cycle 2021/22 to the sibling of an older applicant to the school who had previously demonstrated faith eligibility, (i.e. who completed a CRP form for the school to which the sibling / current applicant is applying), which meant that they were not required to accrue CRP points. Siblings will return to the previously established position of needing to complete a CRP form themselves.
- To extend the window during which CRP points can be obtained.
- To provide a number of options of dates for participation in the online CRP course.
The elements of our arrangements that are not changing are:
- Maintaining the section of the CRP form that enables self-declared attendance at online services on Friday evenings (Kabbalat Shabbat) or the eve of festivals (before the commencement of the festival), in order to provide an option in the eventuality that places of worship are closed again as a result of the pandemic or for any other reason.
- All other elements of the CRP form are not changing, including the sections on Jewish education and volunteering.
- Our Published Admission Number remains 420.
In the event of there being more applicants than places available within criteria 1-7 above, priority will be given to children whose Primary Residence is closest to the School. Distance is measured in a straight line between the address point from the child’s home supplied by Ordnance Survey, to the School’s main gate using the Council’s computerised geographical information system. In cases where more than one applicant lives equidistant from the School, and places cannot be offered to all these children, the available place will be determined by random allocation supervised by a person independent of the school.
Please find attached a copy of our full admissions arrangements including the Admissions Policy, In-Year Admissions Policy, Supplementary Information Form and the Certificate of Religious Practice form.
If you have comments in relation to any of these changes, please send them to Ms Jill Howson at